Are you in a hurry to get to the 10th floor on a crowded elevator? Here we provide 5 hacks to help you get you to floor faster.
Press and hold your floor button
This is the popular way of hack the elevator,. You have to just press and hold your floor button continuously. Well it is full depend on the elevator model.
Close door button
When you are in elevator. You have to press the close door button continuously. In some elevators, this combination will work such as Otis, Desert and Dover elevators.
Master key
With the help of master key, you can enjoy the express ride. You have to ask for a copy of the master key from your building owner.
Cancel other floors button
Whenever you want to enjoy express ride and you are late for your work. Then you have to cancel all the upcoming floor button.
The foot-plant
Place your foot on the floor and the rest of your foot against the middle of the elevator door.