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Are Elevators Safe

Yes, elevators are safe. In fact elevators are twenty times safer than escalators.

Elevators are the safest mode of transportation. Elevators are also safer than cars. As it turns out, elevators are very safe, even safer than stairs.

Most people who die in elevators because of elevator technicians. Elevators have two or three types of brakes.
Elevators are safe because it is easy to use. An average of 26 people die in elevators each year in the U.S. There are 26 car deaths every five hours. People shouldn’t be afraid to ride in elevators because they are properly safe.
If you think that elevator is supported by only one cable then this is not true because elevator is held up safely. Elevator is supported by multiple cables, if one will fail, the elevator will still be held up safely. In elevator machine, each steel cable is capable of holding more than the weight of the elevator car. Each rope can hold more than the weight of the car. Cables are usually made out of high tensile steel wires, woven together to form incredibly strong lengths of metal rope. Using elevators properly helps ensure a safe and comfortable ride for us. When an elevator starts falling, then metal brakes on the sides of the car latch onto the car and slow it down.

Elevators are properly design by the professionals. In elevator, hall door will not open because the elevator arrives at landing, the car door engage the hall door and the car door operator opens both sets of doors. A well maintained system has automatic checking features which work to continually ensure maximum safety. Elevators are the safest form of transport.

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